How do I access the Clinical Pharmacology mobile app?
Last Updated: Jun 01, 2022

How do I access the Clinical Pharmacology mobile app?

Clinical Pharmacology logo. An orange box with the white outline of a mortar and pestle.To access the Elsevier Clinical Pharmacology app:

Step 1: Contact D'Amour Library for a registration ID and password.

Step 2: Visit the Registration ID Redemption page and enter the ID and password you were given. Click "Submit."

Registration ID Redemption. Enter Credentials. The paragraph is partially cropped. It reads: Registration IDs allow you to associate your user name with a new organization and thus access... ID and registration password below, then click the Submit button. If you do not have registration... the next line reads note: adding an association with a new organization will not override or remove associations with... the next line reads (* denotes required fields.) A blank form reads registration ID and registration password, with "clear" and "submit" options below.

Step 3: On the next screen, you can log in if you have an existing Elsevier account (for example, if you already created an account in Clinical Pharmacology, or in ScienceDirect, ClincialKey or Scopus). However, most users will need to create a new account. To do this, click on "Not Registered?" at the bottom of the page: 

Login using your Elsevier credentials. The next sentence is cropped in the middle. Attention: If you are upgrading from Clinical Pharmacology and unable to access Clinical Pharmacology powered... customer support via our E-Helpdesk. To associate your account with Western New England University, Remote Access log in with your existing credentials. A blank form is below with two blank fields for username and password. Forgotten your username or password? A blue checkbox is marked next to Remember Me. Two boxes are below, one labeled "clear" and the other "login." A red arrow points to the words "Not registered? Register now" in a red circle. The words "register now" are hyperlinked.


Step 4: Download the mobile app for your device and log in using the username and password you just created: