How do I embed Kanopy or Films on Demand videos in Kodiak?
Last Updated: Nov 05, 2022

How do I embed Kanopy or Films on Demand videos in Kodiak?

Both Kanopy and Films on Demand videos can be embedded in Kodiak, allowing students to watch the video right in the LMS. To embed a full video or clip:


Click the "Share" button that appears below the video player and select the Embed tab. Copy the HTML code that appears in the box and paste it into the HTML editor in Kodiak. Students that are off-campus will need to log in using their WNE email address and password to watch the video. 

Video player. The still frame shows a pale person staring at the viewer. The person appears to be a robot or android with a human face and computerized skin. The play button is centered in the middle of the frame with the video's title, Ex Machina. A24 is below the title. Below the video player, Ex Machina and closed captioning. A24. A red arrow points to a share button. Next to share: create clip/playlist, and a button labeled more. Four out of five star review. A red arrow points to embed. Below reads "embed this video" with a text box of code. Below the box is button for options.


Films on Demand

Use the "Share" link below the video and copy the HTML code that appears in the Embed Code box. Paste this code in an HTML editor in Kodiak. 

Climate Activist Greta Thunberg on the Power of A Movement. Full Video (10:32). A video player shows a still of Greta Thunberg, a young white woman with blue eyes wearing her hair in one braid over her right shoulder. She is wearing a purple sweatshirt with a black and white patterned shirt. The play button is centered in the middle. PBS News Hour is in the bottom left corner. A red arrow points to the share button. To the right are the following options: add to, cite, and segments.