How do I find Full Text in EBSCO databases?
EBSCOHost databases (such as MEDLINE, CINAHL and Academic Search Premier) contain their own links to full text. In the EBSCOHost interface, look for the button that says Access Now, Access Now (PDF), or Access Options:
- Access Now - This will take you to the article on the publisher's website.
- Access Now (PDF) - This will open a PDF of the article right in EBSCO.
- Access Options - This will give you a few different options:
- Online full text (publisher's website) or PDF.
- Check for Full Text at WNE: this will open up the library's Full Text Finder (see below).
- Request Item through Interlibrary Loan: This will open up the ILL form.
To use the D'Amour Library's Full Text Finder.
Use any of the links under "Full Text Availability" to access your article:
If the article isn't available that way, use the next set of links to search Google Scholar to see if the article is available for free:
Finally, if the article is not available through either method above, click the "Interlibrary Loan Request Form" to submit an Interlibrary Loan Request. D'Amour Library will locate and email you a copy of the article from another library. Expect this to take up to 3-4 days.