How do I filter out PubMed (MEDLINE) results in CINAHL?
Last Updated: Jun 09, 2022

How do I filter out PubMed (MEDLINE) results in CINAHL?

CINAHL Complete is a great resource that should be searched in conjunction with PubMed. While both databases overlap, there are some significant journals that are not indexed in MEDLINE (the index behind PubMed) but are found in CINAHL. If you're going to search both databases, a great time saver is to filter out all results in CINAHL that also appear in MEDLINE.

There are a few ways to do this. One way is to select "Exclude MEDLINE records" on the default search screen BEFORE making your search: 


A checklist with all boxes unchecked. Peer reviewed. Exclude Pre-CINAHL. Exclude MEDLINE records. Evidence-Based Practice. A dropdown menu: Clinical Queries. All, Therapy - High Sensitivity, Therapy - High Specificity, Therapy - Best Balance.


Alternatively, if you've already conducted a search in CINAHL and decide you want to filter out MEDLINE records after the fact, just click "Show More" at the bottom left hand side of the search results page:

Refine Results. Current Search. Boolean/phrase. MH "Obsessive Hoarding" AND occupational therapy. Limit to: Full text, references available, abstract available. Publication date: 2015 - 2019. Show more is circled in red.'

This will open up the search options above, allowing you to select "Exclude MEDLINE records" again.